Clear Edges, oil on canvas, 46”x 60”116 x 152 cm

Clear Edges, oil on canvas, 46”x 60”
116 x 152 cm

Clear Edges

Clear edges... Pronounced.
Forms appear to renounce
The comfort of blurs
To touch the eloquence of daring.

Daring to define
A hope, a shape,
A belief, a caring,
An opening to the heart.

Clear edges... de-line
The border, the contour vine
That holds in infinite depth
Connections, reflections,
Feelings, dreams,
Defining a continent of daydreamed schemes.

And as a mass of iron,
Desires float within the quantum sea
Magnetizing mirrors...
To touch, to will, to be.

Within a clarity
Forms the flow of creation
From thought to manifestation.