The river of life runs through me... painting poem, oil on canvas, 60"x46'; 152 x116cm.(poem is painted into the painting)

The river of life runs through me... painting poem, oil on canvas, 60"x46'; 152 x116cm.(poem is painted into the painting)

The River of Life Runs Through Me

The river of life runs through me....
I am its floods, its droughts.
I am the earth being shaped and carved.
I am the footprints of its stream.
When time and space and yearnings are new
My earth is soft,
The flow is deep.
Footprints dance the rhythm of change,
Of growth, of sureness, of path.
There is sweet rain.
The river of love runs through me.

My earth hardens with time,
And space and yearnings hold on to moments...
Touch polar edges. 

Confused by unclear shores
its waters meander shallow and wide.
Crisscrossed footprints mark new places to dive
New paths to reach sure...
New softness within my soul...
New ways to love my world.

There is sweet rain.
The river of life runs through me