What do they dream...

         Soil, sunlight, giggly streams?

         Do they imagine some lovely green leaf

         Pushing from within moist ground...

         Basking in the sun, singing silent sounds...

         Making life energy for everyone?

         Do they know they are

         The start of it all...

         Sunlight, water, soil?


         And as a green leaf thus creates

         Does it dream of a grazing cow?

         Or a reaper or a plow...

         Or a visit from a dew drop friend?

         Does it dare to dream of a glorious end?

         A sumptuous recipe eaten oh, so elegantly?


         And you and I.

         What lifetimes do our dreams create?

         As incredible connections

         Become road sign perfections

         To be followed or left behind

         Building paths, junctions, streets

         That meet to find

         The call of another dream


         To be seen and felt,

         As passions boil and cold hearts melt.


         What new dreams are nourished

         By all these emotions?

         What other lives are put in motion?

         Who feeds on this life force we thus stream?

         Who wonders what we dream?