Painting Poem:  On the Cusp of Being. pastel and acrylic medium on canvas  oil on canvas, 60"x46'; 152 x116cm.

Painting Poem:  On the Cusp of Being. 

pastel and acrylic medium on canvas  oil on canvas, 60"x46'; 152 x116cm.

On the Cusp of Being

On the cusp of being
is creation
On the curl of creation,
Is being
Now and here.

Belongs to all time and none.
To Infinite spaces... as one
Unity of the Changing Same.
other shades of light
That have always been,
are born out of unknown darkness...
Each a boundless world
Not suspecting...
Nor reflecting...
Its glorious ... “There”.

Not suspecting,
Yet reflecting
That God touches
Each soul moment
Oh, so gently....
In the Colors of each moment
The great limitlessness of love and desire
Grows to know its own
Eternal life fire.