polyptych- oil gold leaf, golden threads on canvas, metal and word. 1. Mother's milk, 2 Father's dreams, 3 Golden touch, 4 Containing... approx. 180 x 180 cm

polyptych- oil gold leaf, golden threads on canvas, metal and word. 1. Mother's milk, 2 Father's dreams, 3 Golden touch, 4 Containing... approx. 180 x 180 cm


In a precious moment
When shadows join light
And all is one...

A golden Now makes love to life
From deep within the sun.
Celebration has begun

In a precious space
Where movements join form
And all is true....

A silvery Here makes love to life
From deep within the moon.
Conception sings its tune.

As spiraled moon beams
Nurture waved Sun dreams
Life is being creation
Love and celebration
Joining Venus with Mars
To birth Earth stars.